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Do Your Bridesmaids Have Two Left Feet?

Do Your Bridesmaids Have Two Left Feet?

As a bride-to-be, you’re probably focusing on your first dance with your new husband, rather than your bridesmaids’ claims of having two left feet. But don’t overlook the panic that may overcome your female friends at the prospect of taking to the floor with the groomsmen.

At Arthur Murray Crows Nest we have a few tips and tricks to ease their nerves, so that you can all enjoy a boogie on your big day.

Start with Salsa

It’s impossible not to tap your feet to the catchy rhythms of Salsa music. When you combine the infectious tunes with a fun atmosphere, Salsa lessons feel more like a great night out than hard work. Even people with two left feet can master the basics of Salsa, so let us teach your bridesmaids some easy moves to get them going. You’ll soon find you won’t be able to stop them.

Watch & learn

By taking lessons in a dance studio, your friends will be able to assess themselves from all angles. Your Arthur Murray Crows Nest teacher will help you all get your posture right first, and then learn the steps thoroughly. The key to good dancing is to look up, not at your feet, and practising in front of a mirror will help you make that all-important eye contact with your partner.

Salsa socially

Salsa dance clubs are springing up all over Australia, and offer a great way to find your feet with social dancing. It’s a time for you and your party to let your hair down and dance the stress of wedding preparations away. The more your bashful bridesmaids practise, the more confident they will become, and soon the dance floor will be their friend, not their foe.

Love latin

If your bridesmaids are still scared of fancy footwork, we can focus on the body isolations at the heart of latin dancing instead. That way they’ll be able to move with the music, while keeping things simple. The hot hip action of latin is a great way to minimise movements on a crowded dance floor, while driving the groomsmen wild.

Get some attitude

No matter how scared your bridesmaids feel at first, they can learn to exude confidence on the dance floor. Mastering moves from the Tango or Flamenco, which are full of passion, will help them look and feel good, so we can arm them with a few steps to strut their stuff.

Optimum outfits

Give your bridesmaids half a chance and make sure that they’re in comfortable shoes and dresses that allow for movement – asking anyone to dance elegantly in six-inch heels and a pencil skirt is near impossible. If they opt for high heels during the day, perhaps they could slip into a pair of pumps for the evening.

Work with your bridesmaids to fight their fears, so that they can let their hair down on the dance floor to celebrate your special day. You never know, one of them might even find a latin lover who proves to be her Mr Right!